Gung Fu in the Heart of Europe: Hung Kyun, Wing Chun & Mantis Documentary (Streaming + Free Download)

Gung Fu in the Heart of Europe

Watch an excellent Chinese martial arts documentary featuring 3 Gung Fu schools from the heart of Europe, Prague, Czech republic:

  • Practical Hung Kyun of Pavel Macek Sifu
  • Wing Chun of Ivan Rzounek Sifu
  • Praying Mantis, Tiger Claw and Taijiquan of George Hušek Sifu

You will learn about various aspects of traditional Chinese martial arts training: Fighting and self-defense, strength and conditioning, health and personal development.

You can watch the documentary below (don’t forget to switch on the English subtitles!), or download it (with English subtitles as well) for FREE in our Practical Hung Kyun Eshop.


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