Mission Statement

Practical Hung Kyun

“Every monastery has its Buddha; every horse has its rider; every Sifu has his own method.”

– Chinese proverb

Identical “Style” vs. Different Methodology

People interested in studying Hung Kyun who already have previous experience with Hung Kyun or Chinese martial arts as such often say that the practice method of our association is markedly different from other schools.

We certainly hope so! The practice system in our school has undergone many changes in the past years and the effort to make it “different”, better, has been our main motivation from the very start. When two people do the same, it is not always the same.

We are PRACTICAL Hung Kyun

Practical Hung Kyun (Sat Yung Hung Kyun))The Concept of “Practical Hung Kyun”

Practical Hung Kyun (Sat Yung Hung Kyun 實用洪拳) is not a style, but a practice method – traditional martial art for the modern world, responding to the needs of modern civil and professional self-defense, MMA/martial sports in general.

“Hung Kyun” vs. Practical Hung Kyun

Hung Gar, Hung Kar, Hung Kuen, Hung KuneHow does the concept of Practical Hung Kyun differ from the often typical practice of “Hung Kyun” (no matter whether it is spelled Hung Kuen, Hung Gar, Hung Kar, Hung Ka, Hoong Ka or Hong Jia) or “traditional” martial arts in other schools abroad?

A brief analysis below can seem controversial to many readers – from our experience, however, it fairly accurately describes the state of Chinese martial arts in general, including Hung Kyun.

The left column is an example of how martial arts should (in our opinion) not look like and how they often are; the right column represents our approach to teaching and practicing Hung Kyun.

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Check out the info about Practical Hung Kyun Intensive Training Courses!


Start to learn online HERE!

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